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Do I have to register my hands when I become a black belt?No, that is an urban myth. Martial Artists are not required to register their hands.
Do I have to be in good shape before I start?No, you will get into shape as you train. We have a series of exercises that you will learn as you progress through the ranking system which will enable you to perform the self defense techniques.
I am 31 years old, am I too old to start martial arts?"ABSOLUTELY NOT! There is NO SUCH THING as too old. We have students in the Academy that STARTED in their late 50's to early 70's. We KNOW how to modify techniques to keep everyone safe at all times.
What is the difference between Tae Kwon Do and Kenpo?Tae Kwon Do is a Korean Martial Art that focuses primarily on kicking techniques. Some Tae Kwon Do schools also teach Olympic style fighting. Kenpo is a practical self defense system which trains the student for modern day self defense encounters. Kenpo students are taught to use their hands and feet with multiple strikes to multiple targets on each attacker, in a multiple attack situation.
I am very busy with my work schedule, how much time do I need to devote to kenpo classes?"Two, 45 minute classes a week are recommended for beginners. But within just a few weeks, you will have a functional understanding of basics that you can use in a real life situation. It is recommended that you practice at home when you can, and we also have on-line resources available.
How long does it take to get a black belt?That largely depends on a students aptitude and devotion to their training. In Kenpo Karate, it usually takes between 5 and 7 years to reach the first degree of Black Belt. That said, we have a seperate program for kid and adults and do not award Black Belts to anyone under the age of 18. There has to be a level of maturity that chiildren simply do not have.
What sort of things should I consider when choosing a school?You should first check out the school to see if it is a good for you. Go to the school at unscheduled time to see what the community is really like. During into classes, teachers of ten put their best performance on to try to win over a student. A good teacher will be that way all of the time, whether you can see them or not. See if the instruction style works for you, and if so, try out the free class if they offer one. Be very careful if someone is unwilling to let you try it for free.
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